Friday, February 5, 2010

Jane Austen and Harry Potter

What have they got in common you ask?
Unless you consider the following closely related:
Mr. Bennett: "What say you, Mary? for you are a young lady of deep reflection I know, and read good books, and make extracts."
(What the blazes?)
Hagrid: "Ah, go boil yer heads, both of yeh."
So, for me it probably is a good thing they are not alike. I just finished Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone AGAIN. Now I am trying to read Pride and Prejudice AGAIN. No matter how hard I try, I cannot do Jane Austen! So, to you all, I ask, which book do you find the easiest read? I think it is that I cannot read HARD enough if that makes sense. I just have to concentrate too hard! So is there one of her books that I might find easier than another? HELP!
Now, let talk Harry! Now that is a good read! I don't fine J.K. Rowling to be a literary master, but man can she weave a story. HP made kids the world over become freak readers overnight. (And some adults) They are an easy carefree read that I can do again and again. This fantasy stuff is not normally my thing. (Then again, neither was a vampire love story.) But I really enjoy Harry. I think the characters are fabulous right down to Moaning Myrtle. After an intense book I always can count on Harry to bring me back down to Hogwarts.

Quote of my day by Hagrid of course: I should be chucked out an made ter live as a muggle!"
Which books were your favorite?

1 comment:

  1. Becky, I struggle with Jane Austen too and I was a comparative literature major. I think as far as Jane Austen and I go, I'm going to stick with the movies. Love the movies, not so much the books, and that is the complete opposite of my usual stand on books vs. movies.

    Now Harry Potter, I'm right there with you. Love them. And my favorite Hagrid quote (which is on my wall in my scrapbook room)is "Giants---overload them with information and they'll kill you just to simplify things." I think I posted it as a warning to myself to simplify life. Or maybe as a warning to my kids. Hmmm, have to think about that one.
