Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Saint Training

By Elizabeth Fixmer
This was a pretty good book. It was a clean book too.
About a little girl that wants to be a Mother Superior nun when she grows up. So she starts a correspondence with a Mother Superior about taking her job. It's cute how she bargains with God and takes any amount of sin very seriously. But she is asked to take on a lot when her mother decides to go back to work, with 9 children. Oh my it is hard to be humble and not sin! Cute character in this book. I would recommend it to anyone. I don't think I remember any cuss words at all.

Friday, November 12, 2010

A Little Princess

By Frances Hodgson Burnett
Now, I don't know if it was the beauty of the new Kindle or that this was a good book, but I loved it. I thought this old classic was a great read! I was about 85% through with it, (I knew this because the Kindle told me so) I recalled a Shirley Temple movie that sounded familiar. So, of course, I called my poor sister, Jeannie. (PS she is forced to endure these random phone calls from me about 80's TV show soundtracks and weird facts. I'm pretty sure it makes her think I am crazy.) Anyhow, it was a Shirley Temple movie! But the book was so cute. Classic rags to riches or vice versa. Cute. I would recommend this book to anyone. (Lyza might like this one Jeannie.)
About a little well off girl that loses it all and the choice she makes to be happy regardless and how things turn out for her in the end. It really made me feel lucky really, to have the material things I have. It made me want to be better about not complaining so much. I know, I have a long way to go.
PS Jeannie, what was that scary show with the witch and the weird yellow/orange dude and they rode on crazy vehicles?
(See what she has to put up with?)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Omagosh! Omagosh! Omagosh!

I got one!!!

Sterling, my favorite husband, (wait, my only husband) got my a Kindle!!!

I am one happy chick!

What a great birthday gift. The one that I've wanted forever!! Ask Sterling how many times I have bugged him about it.

Not only that, but he got me the real nice one. Free 3G so I can download a book in the middle of nowhere.

The icing on my birthday cake??

My book club book this month was a free download!!!